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Andrei Boltachev

Full-stack software developer
Python/Django (~11 yrs), ReactJS (~6 yrs), Clojure/ClojureScript (~6 yrs), Haskell (<1 yrs), Linux/Git/Vim/Emacs etc (~11 yrs)
GitHub, LinkedIn

For last 11 years I worked (please see work history on LinkedIn) both solely and as a part of the team (and in a senior position reviewing work of others) in many medium-size projects, mainly startups as a full-stack web developer.

Products I worked on include different kinds of dashboards, CRM systems and marketplace websites.

Interests & own projects

Modern ideas I believe in are functional and declarative programming, low-code systems and refactoring tools (to improve quality of existing code).

During my career, I created few tools that help building systems more quickly and efficiently:

  • Mega-copy, a tool that helps edit and copy code in bulk (mainly in Python/Django/ReactJS projects)
  • [Python]
  • Logicore Formsdeclarative form generator for ReactJS with extension for Django
  • [JavaScript]